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Business Name
What are your primary goals for the next two years?
Revenue, new offices, strategy, etc.
How many locations do you have?
What type of marketing agency are you looking for?
A vendor who can help render services
A true partner who understands my industry and can help me reach my goals
Not sure
How do you reach your ideal customers currently?
Social Media
All of the above
What are you currently doing to convert leads to patients?
What is the follow-up process like? How is this tracked? Do you discount your services? Do you focus on quality care? Please give a thorough response so we can best understand your practice's model.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your current Facebook strategy?
Rate 1 out of 10
Rate 2 out of 10
Rate 3 out of 10
Rate 4 out of 10
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On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your current Google Ad strategy?
Rate 1 out of 10
Rate 2 out of 10
Rate 3 out of 10
Rate 4 out of 10
Rate 5 out of 10
Rate 6 out of 10
Rate 7 out of 10
Rate 8 out of 10
Rate 9 out of 10
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On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your current SEO strategy?
Rate 1 out of 10
Rate 2 out of 10
Rate 3 out of 10
Rate 4 out of 10
Rate 5 out of 10
Rate 6 out of 10
Rate 7 out of 10
Rate 8 out of 10
Rate 9 out of 10
Rate 10 out of 10
Who are your main competitors?
How many quality leads do you want per month?
From new marketing efforts, how many quality leads would you need in order to meet goals?
What is your current conversion rate from Exam to Starting Treatment?
Between 25-50%
If you see 100 new patients per month, how many actually start treatment?
What do prospects find interesting about you?
What sets you apart from the competition?
What is your current annual production?
What is the area you need the most help in?
Are you the decision maker for the practice? (If not, please have the practice owner on the call.)
Success StorIES
From 3 Offices & 25 Staff to 8 Offices & 75+ Staff
61% in New Patient Requests
4,101% ROI During Global Pandemic
5x ROI On Ad Spend