Ever imagined an orthodontic landscape where broken or lost retainers are no longer a concern? The game-changer is here, and it’s called Retainers for Life.
Retainers for Life is not just revolutionizing the retainer replacement process, it’s creating a paradigm shift in how you think about your practice’s long-term revenue stream. The brainchild of Dr. Amy Jackson, a practicing orthodontist herself, Retainers for Life is on a mission to eradicate the hassle and expense of retainer replacements for patients, all while providing continuous value to orthodontic practices like yours.

The Birth of Retainers for Life

Dr. Jackson conceived Retainers for Life in response to the vexation she witnessed when patients misplaced their retainers. She saw the strain it put on relationships between patients, parents, and her practice. And what did she do? She found a way to alleviate this stress point for patients and lessen the workload for practices. That’s right, less work for you!

A Groundbreaking Retainer Replacement Model

Picture this: Instead of hitting your patients with exorbitant prices for replacement retainers, you offer them an affordable membership that provides unlimited access to wholesale priced retainers for life. And how do they get these doctor-approved retainers? They order online, and it’s delivered straight to their doorstep. This ingenious model lifts the weight of replacements from your shoulders.

Flourishing through Practice Engagement

Orthodontic practices that fully embrace and accurately apply the Retainers for Life program reap substantial rewards. Remember to present Retainers for Life early in the treatment process and stick to best practices for enrollment. When your team comprehends the immense value, enrollments skyrocket.

Tailored for Your Practice

Retainers for Life works hand in hand with each practice to customize implementation, ensuring it integrates seamlessly into your existing systems. Their aim? To make retainers feel like a natural extension of ongoing care, adapted to uniquely suit your practice.

Fueling Repeat Business

By maintaining long-term connections with patients, Retainers for Life redirects the sizeable number that will eventually relapse back to their original orthodontist for retreatment. This means more repeat business for you!

Ready to Take the Leap?

Transforming your practice could be as simple as visiting the AfterOrthoRevenue.com or reaching out to Retainers for Life directly at MyRetainersforLife.com. Discover how this innovative model not only benefits your practice but enhances the patient experience for life.
Are you ready to partner with Retainers for Life and elevate your orthodontic practice to new heights? The choice is clear. The time is now.