Synergy Marketing Talk Free Training Watch the Training Video Below Schedule a One-On-One Patient Opportunity Call Yes, I’m Ready to Take the Next Step Schedule a One-On-One Patient Opportunity Call Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Business Name *Email *Phone *What are your primary goals for the next two years? *Revenue, new offices, strategy, etc.How many locations do you have? *What type of marketing agency are you looking for? *A vendor who can help render servicesA true partner who understands my industry and can help me reach my goalsNot sureHow do you reach your ideal customers currently? *MailersTVRadioBillboardsSocial MediaAll of the aboveWhat are you currently doing to convert leads to patients? *What is the follow-up process like? How is this tracked? Do you discount your services? Do you focus on quality care? Please give a thorough response so we can best understand your practice's model. On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your current Facebook strategy? *Rate 1 out of 10Rate 2 out of 10Rate 3 out of 10Rate 4 out of 10Rate 5 out of 10Rate 6 out of 10Rate 7 out of 10Rate 8 out of 10Rate 9 out of 10Rate 10 out of 10On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your current Google Ad strategy? *Rate 1 out of 10Rate 2 out of 10Rate 3 out of 10Rate 4 out of 10Rate 5 out of 10Rate 6 out of 10Rate 7 out of 10Rate 8 out of 10Rate 9 out of 10Rate 10 out of 10On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your current SEO strategy? *Rate 1 out of 10Rate 2 out of 10Rate 3 out of 10Rate 4 out of 10Rate 5 out of 10Rate 6 out of 10Rate 7 out of 10Rate 8 out of 10Rate 9 out of 10Rate 10 out of 10Who are your main competitors? *How many quality leads do you want per month? *From new marketing efforts, how many quality leads would you need in order to meet goals?What is your current conversion rate from Exam to Starting Treatment? *Between 25-50%50%-75%75-95%If you see 100 new patients per month, how many actually start treatment?What do prospects find interesting about you? *What sets you apart from the competition?What is your current annual production? *What is the area you need the most help in? *Are you the decision maker for the practice? (If not, please have the practice owner on the call.) *YesNoEmailSubmit80150 Real clients. Real clinics. Real results. Fishbein Orthodontics Success Story Wentz Orthodontics Success Story We let our results – and our clients – speak for themselves. Who We Help: