
Case Study

Partner: Sherman & Balhoff Orthodontics
Since: April 2021

Over 347% Return-On-Investment Since Partnering With HIP

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From "Relatively Stable" To Exponential Growth

Sherman Balhoff Orthodontics, a well-established practice in Baton Rouge, found themselves at a crossroads. With a legacy built by Dr. Kramer Sherman’s father and his partner, Dr. David Balhoff, the practice was stable but needed to grow to accommodate an expanding team of doctors.

Faced with the challenge of transforming a stable two-doctor practice into a thriving four-doctor practice within thirteen months, Sherman Balhoff Orthodontics turned to HIP for help.

HIP Helped Sherman & Balhoff Orthodontics Achieve:

+$260,000 in New Production In 1 Year

+163 Scheduled Appointments Within 1 Year

+Over 347% Return on Total Marketing Investment

“We dove head first and saw some immediate results. We’ve gone from down twenty two percent to roughly up twenty percent… it’s been crazy.””

-Dr. Kramer Sherman

Innovative Approaches To Drive Expansion

Before partnering with HIP, Sherman Balhoff Orthodontics’ marketing efforts were disorganized, with their local marketing company excelling in producing videos and photos but lacking expertise in strategic advertising. They also struggled with an ineffective online presence, marked by low Google review numbers and unsuccessful review requests.

We started by addressing their disorganized marketing efforts. By implementing targeted paid advertising and leveraging our expertise, we revamped their approach to lead generation. The initial results were promising, but the practice experienced a plateau, prompting a deeper look into their implementation process. With guidance from HIP, they shifted their mindset, focusing on proper lead management and consistent follow-up, which reignited their growth trajectory.

“We needed to focus on treating patients, not finding patients. If you’re gonna hire somebody to find the patients for you, let them tell you how to do that.”

-Dr. Kramer Sherman

Implementing Strategic Marketing And Operational Changes

Recognizing the importance of a strong online presence, we worked on improving their Google review numbers. By refining their review request process and using strategic prompts, Sherman Balhoff Orthodontics saw a significant increase in positive reviews, enhancing their online reputation.

We introduced PracticeBeacon, our patient tracking and reporting software, to enhance lead management and accountability. This tool provided a clear visual of the patient pipeline, from initial contact through treatment start, ensuring that no lead was missed and follow-ups were timely.

Ready To Take Control Of Your Practice Goals?

Sherman Balhoff Orthodontics achieved significant growth and operational efficiency through improved marketing strategies, enhanced patient tracking, and a robust financial system. HIP’s targeted strategies and comprehensive support have positioned them to continue delivering exceptional orthodontic care to their community while expanding their reach.

If you’re ready to take your practice to the next level, reach out to us to discuss how our framework can help you and your team succeed.

Work With The Growth Partner Behind The Nation's Fastest-Growing Ortho Practices


Are you ready for a growth system that’s proven to drive exponential results for orthodontic practices of all sizes?

We’ll help you transform your practice to serve your patients better, empower your team, and build a business and lifestyle that are 100% sustainable.

We only have the capacity to onboard a few partners each month, so don’t wait! Book your call today.

Leland Orthodontics

Dr. Andrew Leland sought out HIP because he finally realized his “homemade” processes hit a plateau when it came to growth for his practice. After reading Luke Infinger’s Practice Growth series of books, he declared to his team, “we’re transitioning from a small orthodontic practice into an orthodontic business!”

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East Texas Orthodontics

When Sparkman Orthodontics joined with HIP, they had worked with many marketing agencies over the years. Dr. Sparkman, an orthodontist who has owned a practice for over 17 years, had his goals set and knew it would take the right partnership to reach those goals. The first goal was a new website. One that would wow patients and streamline the process of getting started with treatment. The second major goal was to reach $10 million in production within two years or less.

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Our Framework

Patient Acquisition & Retention Framework™

In an effort to both establish a new brand identity and generate potential patients, we implemented our Patient Acquisition and Retention Framework™. This fully automated solution and turn-key framework was exactly what Knecht Orthodontics needed. We tracked a 481% ROI! And, Knecht Orthodontics is now a leading orthodontic practice with happy patients who are thrilled with their experience.

How Does it Work?

The Patient Acquisition and Retention Framework™ maximizes your ability to use patient data to connect with new patients, retain existing patients, and grow your practice. The framework is an information matrix that identifies, contacts, schedules, and maintains contact with the patient before, during, and after their treatment.