
Create Marketing That Patients Love

Let’s be honest, most businesses do not have a very strategic marketing plan. It’s common to throw a little money everywhere and hope something sticks. There’s got to be a better way, right? Ask yourself, when’s the last time you called a number from a billboard ad or watched a local commercial that caused you to buy a product or service? You need to start marketing to prospective patients the same way you want to be marketed to.

Inbound marketing gives you the opportunity to reach new and existing patients in an exciting and innovative manner. It’s the ultimate customer service initiative for a medical practice. By creating content such as blogs and videos that focus on potential concerns your patients might have, you’ll provide a resource that will keep them healthy when they’re not in your office. This not only increases patient satisfaction and can lead to an inflow of new patients, but it’ll reduce the number of phone calls and visits related to basic issues. Your patients will know that customer service is a priority.

One of the best things about inbound marketing is its ability to facilitate two-way communication. Whereas in a traditional medical office, your ability to keep tabs on your patients begins and ends with their appointments.

What You'll Learn

Benefits of Inbound Marketing
Attracting Leads Naturally
Converting Leads Into Patients

Gaining a Greater ROI
Adding Value to Prospects
Using the Right Tools

Implementing Inbound Marketing
Hiring an Inbound Agency
Creating Sustaining Results

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Contacting the Right People at the Right Time

A simple fact of the matter is that there is no “one size fits all” strategy when it comes to marketing. There are a number of variables that you have to consider — from the type of message you’re trying to send to the type of audience you’re trying to reach — that will all dictate exactly how, where, and most importantly why, you should be contacting this particular set of people at this particular moment in their life.

Understanding the Two Different Approaches

When it comes to exactly how you choose to spend your marketing dollars, there are two main forms of marketing to choose between: inbound marketing and outbound marketing. Both essentially take you to the same destination, but the approach used to get there is wildly different. It’s a bit like choosing to take a plane to go on vacation versus getting in an RV and driving across the country – you’ll still get exactly where you’re going, but the experience will be dramatically different along the way.

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