

Leland Orthodontics

Dr. Andrew Leland sought out HIP because he finally realized his “homemade” processes hit a plateau when it came to growth for his practice. After reading Luke Infinger’s Practice Growth series of books, he declared to his team, “we’re transitioning from a small orthodontic practice into an orthodontic business!”

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Apple Valley Orthodontics

Dr. Monica, who practices in Apple Valley, California, faced several challenges that hindered her practice’s growth and efficiency. Dissatisfied with her previous website provider and struggling with financial systems and insurance issues, she sought a partner who could help revitalize her practice. After meeting HIP at the AAO and exploring their free resources, Dr. Monica decided to partner with HIP to transform her practice.

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Cooper Orthodontics

Cooper Orthodontics found themselves in need of a structured approach to marketing and operations. Despite their commitment to excellent customer service and patient care, their marketing efforts lacked organization and effectiveness. This is when they turned to HIP for help, seeking to transform their practice and achieve their growth goals.

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Sakowitz Smiles

Sakowitz Smiles, with locations in Orlando and Winter Garden, FL, has been dedicated to providing top-quality orthodontic care since opening in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Despite their commitment to excellence, they faced several challenges that were impeding their growth.

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Busciglio Smiles

Busciglio Smiles, a well-respected orthodontic and dental practice, found themselves struggling with several operational challenges that were impeding their growth. When Busciglio Smiles partnered with us, they had clear goals in mind: streamline their front desk operations, improve new patient acquisition, and ultimately grow their business to a point where they could sell it for a significant profit.

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Sparkman Doctors

Sparkman Orthodontics

When Sparkman Orthodontics joined with HIP, they had worked with many marketing agencies over the years. Dr. Sparkman, an orthodontist who has owned a practice for over 17 years, had his goals set and knew it would take the right partnership to reach those goals. The first goal was a new website. One that would wow patients and streamline the process of getting started with treatment. The second major goal was to reach $10 million in production within two years or less.

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Dr. Castilla & Patient

Castilla Orthodontics

When we met Dr. Ana Castilla, she had been running her practice since 2013, growing it from averaging nine starts per month to now doing well over 1,000 starts per year. Since purchasing the practice, her model has evolved over the years, becoming more specialized and more in-tune with the demographic of her target patients.

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Murphy Orthodontics

Case Study Partner: Murphy OrthodonticsSince: September 2021 From HIP Skeptic To Raving Fan See How 1,178% ROI Turned Into $2.2M In New Revenue https://embed-ssl.wistia.com/deliveries/8ffbe929b2a783e08a3848b3dd42441d8c07ee1e/file.mp4 OVERVIEW When You Want Real Growth, You Need A Partner To Get You There Dr. Craig Murphy kickstarted Murphy Orthodontics by purchasing a small practice in New Orleans that was outdated

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Wentz Orthodontics

When we started working with Wentz Orthodontics, they were a thriving 9-office practice looking for moderate growth. After all, an 8-figure business can only scale so quickly, right? Before they knew what hit them, Wentz was booking 61% more new patient exams than the previous year and dominating both paid and organic results through the Lubbock, Texas area. Let’s take a look at what happened and how Wentz Orthodontics has added as much as $4.5M in gross production in a single year working with HIP.

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Dr. Farina

Farina Orthodontic Specialists

When we started working with Farina Orthodontics in Tampa, Florida, the circumstances for growing a business were about as dire as possible. The COVID pandemic had just struck, and the restrictions were at their worst. People couldn’t leave the house, offices were closed, and uncertainty was everywhere. So, how did we help Dr. Farina and his team continue to find patients for their three locations? And how did we create growth for them while the world economy was paralyzed? Let’s take a look…

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